September 17

Mrs. O’Brien’s Slice of Life #1

NOTE: For me, writing a first draft and sharing it via a public blog makes me feel vulnerable. But sharing first drafts with students is something I believe in because writing is a process. And sometimes, lousy first drafts are the only way to get to the next, hopefully better draft. I don’t ever want to post a polished piece I have carried through the entire writing process and pass it off to students like that’s how it looked when I started. So here is my raw, unformed mess.  (I’m still trying to figure out why it won’t let me indent the paragraphs…sigh.) Enjoy!



I have a slight obsession with bags. I call them teacher bags because they’re what I use to tote around all of the folders, and lesson plans, and professional books, and my lunchbox, and extra pair of contact lenses (just in case), and pencil pouch, cell phone, car keys, wallet, coffee thermos, grade sheets, rosters, writer’s notebook, mail, water bottle, the Dunkin Donut in a brown paper bag that a kind colleague gave me, my leftover apple from lunch that I didn’t have the heart to throw away, my spiral book of my To-Do lists; and the novel I hope I get to read that night if all goes well.

As a new(ish) mom, I also find things in my teacher bags that amuse me and surprise me because I’m still not used to being someone’s mom sometimes. I’ve found the board book version of “Good Night Moon”, Legos, and sippy cup lids in my teacher bag. Finding items from my son always thrills me and makes me miss him. I usually pause and think of what he’s probably doing at the moment, and I feel blessed I get to see him after school.


Sometimes it’s hard for me to decide what to bring with me when I leave my house. I like to err on the side of caution and take anything I think I may need. I play the “What if?” game and run a panoply of scenarios through my head. “What if my left contact lens falls out while I’m teaching? That’s it! I’m packing my glasses, too.”
Because of this struggle, I have acquired several teacher bags. And I’m always on the lookout for the perfect teacher bag for me. I want a teacher bag that can hold a lot of stuff, look kinda cute and stylish, and keep me from hurting my back. I don’t want to develop health problems from lugging so many things between school and home each morning and late afternoon. Because of this, I have tried many teacher bags and experienced the vicissitudes of teacher transport.

When I was a first-year teacher, I had no idea what I would need when I was grading papers or planning at home so I brought EVERYTHING to and from school for most of the year. For that, I needed a little crate on wheels. The trouble was, every time it rained, all of my items would get wet.

teacher tote all

Then I tried expensive backpacks. If the backpack had too many pockets, I would lose small items and I never seemed able to put items in the same place each time so I could find them again. Also, even the most expensive backpacks were no match for the volume and mass of the items I toted back and forth.

polka dotlife is goodswiss backpack

I soon moved on to a sleek leather satchel that I quickly discovered looked great but didn’t have enough room for anything. I got a lot of compliments on it but I had to carry not only my satchel, but a backpack and usually a grocery bag around at the same time.

green leather

Over the summer, I found an awesome laundry tote with handles at The Container Store in Reston. (Don’t get me started on how much I adore that place!) The tote was made from heavy duty plastic, a pretty powder blue color, and could fit a lot! I used it for play dates with my son and taking him to the pool. It could fit beach towels, swim diapers, sippy cups, water bottles, snacks, an extra change of clothes, a beach ball, and even my purse, inside.


laundry tote

As summer wound down and teacher work days began, I found I had grown attached to the laundry tote with handles. It was so easy to toss items in and go. It was sturdy. As I made the transition from home to school, I continued to carry new items for my classroom in the laundry tote. Slowly, it became my new teacher bag. One that made more than  a few of my colleagues snicker. I began to feel like maybe it wasn’t appropriate or professional enough to be carrying my teacher goods in a laundry tote. So I looked at it sadly and returned it to the laundry room.

But what would I use now? That’s when it hit me! I know, I thought. I’ll use my rolling suitcase. The wheels rotate 360 degrees, the color is a nice shade of green, and there are pockets and zippers but not too many to confuse me. It’s protective enough so that rain won’t damage student papers, there’s a long handle so I won’t hurt my back, and it will fit everything easily! I was so excited to try it out that I packed it up that moment.

green lugagge

The rolling luggage I use is the one on the right.

It was awesome! I loved it! The only problem was when I wheeled it into work that next day, a few teachers laughed and I felt a little silly. I started to rethink my idea until I looked around the parking lot when I was leaving work that afternoon. I saw teacher after teacher lugging multiple bags to their cars. Some had to stop and reorganize their belongings. Some bags looked so heavy I felt bad for the teachers. Suddenly, I didn’t care what others thought. I had found something that worked for me even if it it’s original purpose was for traveling.

It makes sense to me to use my luggage for now. Maybe another teacher bag will come along, who knows? But to me, the only thing sillier than using a luggage for a teacher backpack…would be NOT to use one because I was worried about what other people think. I like my rolling luggage and maybe it will catch on and be the latest teacher trend.

Posted September 17, 2014 by Mrs. O'Brien in category Uncategorized

About the Author

Greetings! I'm Mrs. O'Brien! I teach sixth grade language arts for Loudoun County Public Schools in Northern Virginia. This is the classroom blog I created to share all of the fabulous things the students do in class with their parents, teachers, other students, and the entire blogosphere!

14 thoughts on “Mrs. O’Brien’s Slice of Life #1

  1. mshaseltine

    Mrs. O’Brien, I love seeing which bag you’ll bring into school! This slice brings me into your world and I love that. Getting a “peek” into someone else’s bag is so cool! I share your love of bags and I’ve found that I am very particular about my bags too. I say who cares what people say and embrace your rolling suitcase!! Thanks for sharing some insight into your life as a teacher and as a mom. LOVED it!

    And I am jealous of the amazing vocabulary you’ve used in your slice. “Panoply” and “vicissitude”?!?! Well done. You’ve inspired me to include some great vocab in my next slice.

  2. HotChilePepper

    Hi, Ms.O’Brien! I personally agree with Ms.Haseltine about the suitcase! So what if the others laugh, they’re the ones who have back pains. Rolling suitcases are a great idea! I love both of your( you and Ms.Haseltine’s)creative writing abilities! You’re an awesome teacher(I’m in block 4/8) and I’m so glad I have you! From ,

  3. Sahaja

    I thought it was really cool how you didn’t care what the other teachers thought and you proudly used your rolling suitcase. It was your oppinion only that mattered to you and i think thats awesome!
    🙂 Sahaja

  4. Gia

    I love this slice! Mrs. O’Brien, I think it’s good for not caring what other people think! As long as you like it, no one’s opinion matters!

  5. Sparkle Fairy

    Dear Mrs O’Brien,
    I like how you didn’t care about what other people thought about how silly your bag was (which it isn’t) and it was a good thing that you didn’t change it just because of that. Not being mean or anything to the snickering teachers, but it was sorta funny when you saw other teachers reorganising their bags and them shoving ever more bags in their cars-also when you felt sorry for them! Their bags were probably all fancy unlike yours which looks very handy.

  6. Armaan

    I think it’s cool to use a suitcase because it is so much easier to travel or move around with a suit case. I agree with Ms. Haseltine you shouldn’t care what other people think of you. at least you won’t be the one who’ll have a back pain when they come home and sit on the couch. Oh and by the way Christmas is coming up in a few months and now I know about your taste, cute and stylish

  7. Minahil

    I love this story. I love that you didn’t care what everyone else thought, you did what you wanted to do. If that were me I would do the same exact thing! Thank you for sharing Mrs. O’Brien!!!

  8. Sophie D.

    Hey Mrs.O’Brien. I loved your Slices. I really hope I can write like you someday. My sister says in jiberish. She’s a baby. You’re my favorite teacher.

    Signed your student,
    Sophie D.

  9. irini

    Hey Mrs. O’Brien, I love your slice of life about the bags and i have to say you bags are very pretty and handy. you’re awesome! bye!

  10. Ponyloverxoxo

    I love this slice of life. I love how you didn’t care about what other people say you do what you think is comfortable.


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