October 6

Guest Blogger: Meet Lipika!


Dear students,

I would like to introduce you to Lipika, an 8th grader here, who has generously volunteered to help us this year as part of our school’s wonderful teacher helper program. You may not see her in your class, but her work will be a blessing to each of you. Please join me in welcoming her in the comments section. 

~Mrs. O’Brien 


Hey guys!

My name is Lipika and I will be assisting your teacher this year along with helping you guys. I want to tell you some things about me. I am volleyball player here at Eagle Ridge. I have always had a great love for volleyball and mostly anything that includes me moving around. I do not like sitting down for a long time.

I am also an 8th grader so I already went through mostly what you guys are going through now. 6th grade right now might seem pretty similar to elementary school because it is but you guys really have to always pay attention because right now everything might seem unnecessary but believe me you will need all the knowledge if you are going to take high school leveled classes in 7th grade like algebra 1 or a language. But if you study hard and always look at the bright side you are going to have plenty of fun. Anyways let’s get onto why I am here…

As you guys know I am in 8th grade and I am in a program where I help teachers and students with anything they are struggling with. For example, I am a teachers assistant so I help your teacher with simple things such as printing out papers, or helping her make plans, etc. Even though I am a teacher’s assistant I am a mini-teacher for you guys. So if you guys have any questions feel free to ask.

Also in this program, other students like me in 8th grade tutor students that are struggling with a subject. ( Math, English, History, etc.) This is not a required program but it is really cool. I really like doing volunteering stuff so I really like this program but not everyone has the same feeling.

Also I will come every 3rd block and only on A-Days. In part of this program I would really like to know what things you would like for me to help you with because I would love to help you guys with anything you feel unsure with. I might know what kind of trouble you are facing because I’ve already been through 6th grade. In 6th grade I had Ms. Haseltine, one of the other 6th grade English teachers here at ERMS. And I absolutely loved her class!

I have noticed that you guys read a lot of books and in 6th grade I was a very unsure person on what genre of books I like to read but now finally in 8th grade I know what books I like to read. Everyone develops at their own pace so feel free to ask me and I might be able to help pick out a book that is right for you. Some authors I really like are Sarah Dessen, Adriana Trigiani, John Green, and Veronica Roth. Some of my favorite books are the Viola In Reel Life series, Divergent, and The Fault in Our Stars.

I hope you guys have found out a little more about me and I would love to know more about you.



Posted October 6, 2014 by Mrs. O'Brien in category Uncategorized

About the Author

Greetings! I'm Mrs. O'Brien! I teach sixth grade language arts for Loudoun County Public Schools in Northern Virginia. This is the classroom blog I created to share all of the fabulous things the students do in class with their parents, teachers, other students, and the entire blogosphere!

44 thoughts on “Guest Blogger: Meet Lipika!

  1. Egghatcat1234

    Hey Lipika, I loved your description about yourself!!!! I love volleyball too!! I am so happy that you will be working with my class, block 3. You are very nice to work with my class. I think the teacher program is a very good idea, and I want to join it too in 8th grade. I have seen the things you do. You also take what you do very seriously, and that is very good. I feel way more comfortable working with a student, than working with a teacher, because I don’t have to worry about messing up, or saying the wrong thing. Once again, thank you so much, and I look forward to working with you this year.

  2. AveryB

    Hello! Welcome to our class! I won’t see you much because I am in block 4/8, but I am very grateful for you!

  3. Dragonhope

    Hi Lipika! I haven’t met u yet but I can’t wait to! I play volleyball too! I adore reading and think you might like the Maximum Ride series. It is really good.

  4. pi=3.1415926535897932384626433832795

    Dear Lipika,
    I really liked your blog post, and would one day want to help out 6th graders struggling in subjects as an 8th grader, especially math. I also helped out in a different kind of way at my elemantary school. I organized files, cleaned up, running many errands from class to class , and helped my school librarian shelve check in/ check out library books. I also never feel like sitting around and doing nothing.
    Good luck in 8th grade, and maybe someday I will see you in my Language Arts class!

  5. sjf123

    Hello! I also really love volleyball so I can relate to you on that one thing. I also can agree on not being able to stand still for a long time.

  6. Olivia

    Hi Lipika! It’s so nice of you to volunteer your time to help us. Im looking forward to seeing you in class!

  7. Mishelle K

    Wow it is really nice that you volunteered to help are class with all the tension being an eighth grader.

  8. KT 3/6

    Hey Lipika! I think your a great help to our classroom, and you help us out a lot.So thank you for being such a great help to our classroom:) by the way I love volleyball too!

  9. christopher block 4/8

    i hope you like the teacher and eagle ridge i like volly ball but never played a proper game good luck 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  10. Skbl3/6fcv_

    I loved your description and I also found a lot of things in common between us I think the idea of letting eighth graders help out was so awesome thanks for violent erring and I’ll see you tomorrow block three!


    Hi Lipika, I hope u like helping Mrs. O’Brien’s classes and I play volleyball too. Thx for the tips on 6th grade.

  12. Al24

    I really wish I could have you in my 4/8 class with Mrs. O’Brien because you seem really nice and encouraging. I loved your writing too!

  13. Alena

    Hi Lipika,
    Thank you for volunteering for our class!
    I happen to like the Fault in our Stars too!
    I actually have the same birthday as the author.

  14. G.Z 3/6

    Hi Lipika! Wether I see you or not, I really appreciate your help. I am very grateful to have a person like you to help out myself and other students in the classroom. Hope to see you later!

  15. Sahaja

    Hey lupika!
    thanks for helping out in english, thats really cool. And just so you know i also really like the divergent series and the fault in our stars.

  16. Sahaja

    hey lipika!
    Thanks for helping out in english, thats really cool. And just so you know i also really like reading the divergent series and the fault in our stars.

  17. Ludwika Rasmussen

    I loved getting to know you better!!! I think I know the program because in my other classes, there are some other 8th graders helping out around the classroom. I think it’s really nice of you for helping us and Mrs. O’ Brien 🙂 See you in school!;p

  18. I.J 3-6

    Hi Lipika,
    You are very nice. I also cant sit down for a long time. So when ever we do projects I am always standing up. I hope you have a wonderful year.

    PS have you ever read Popular Clone by M. E. Castle

  19. Akash the boss

    I really liked how descriptive your blog is, and how much it tells you about us. I think its nice how instead of playing in the library, you would rather come and help us 6th graders.

  20. Sharleen

    Hi Lipika,
    Its cool that you’re helping us out in english, and i also do not like sitting down for a long time, and i also play basketball FYI.


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